For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

A complete guide to hiring JavaScript developers: Salaries, skills, and more

Explore all the resources you need to hire a JavaScript developer – including ways to identify the right skills, outline project needs, and ask detailed interview questions.

JavaScript, the widely recognized programming language, holds an impressive market dominance, with over 90% of web pages utilizing its capabilities. 

One of the reasons behind JavaScript's popularity is its ability to enable developers to create web pages that resemble applications seamlessly, all within a single technology stack. This efficiency and convenience contribute to its enduring appeal among professionals and organizations.

To ensure a successful hiring process for JavaScript developers, this guide offers valuable insights. It helps you navigate the complexities of determining the specific type of JavaScript developer you need for your project. Additionally, it covers crucial aspects such as interview questions, salaries, sourcing strategies, and more.

So, let's dive in and unlock the potential of hiring exceptional JavaScript talent.

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Source: DevSkiller

About JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its object-oriented nature, lightweight structure, and dynamic capabilities. While it is commonly associated with web development and creating interactive effects in web browsers, JavaScript can be utilized beyond the browser environment as well. Its flexibility allows for a range of applications, including web app development, game development, and more.

One of the notable features of JavaScript is its support for object construction based on prototypes, which sets it apart from other languages. Its syntax bears similarities to popular languages like Java and C++, making it familiar to developers transitioning from those languages.

The demand for JavaScript developers is consistently high, surpassing the available talent pool. A staggering 75% of companies and employers actively seek to hire JavaScript developers, indicating the strong demand for their expertise.

The popularity of JavaScript continues to rise, with 65.36% of surveyed developers preferring it as their primary programming language. This remarkable popularity secures JavaScript's position as the most favored language among developers. Thousands of developers are inclined to switch to JavaScript, while those already working with it show no signs of transitioning away.

Why and when do you need to hire a JavaScript developer?

Hiring a JavaScript developer can bring numerous benefits to your team. They can help you with:

  • Architecting, designing, and developing web applications: JavaScript programmers excel in building robust web applications that cater to both internal and external clients and stakeholders.
  • Creating stable web servers and apps: JavaScript developers possess the skills to create reliable web servers, cross-platform mobile apps, and user-friendly interfaces with dynamic content updates.
  • Debugging and testing: JavaScript software engineers have expertise in quickly identifying and resolving bugs, ensuring smooth code functionality. They can meticulously review code line by line to maintain quality standards.
  • Game development: JavaScript developers can harness the power of the language to create engaging and powerful games, taking advantage of frameworks and libraries designed specifically for game development.
  • Utilizing powerful frameworks: JavaScript talent are proficient in leveraging popular frameworks to expedite development processes while maintaining high-quality standards.
  • Full-stack development, cybersecurity, and concurrency: JavaScript developers are well-versed in full-stack development, ensuring comprehensive solutions. They also have knowledge in cybersecurity practices and can efficiently manage concurrency for running multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Collaborating in team environments: JavaScript developers thrive in collaborative settings, working with other developers to design end-to-end, industry-leading systems and solutions.
  • Rapid prototyping: JavaScript developers can rapidly prototype new ideas, concepts, and designs, enabling quick iterations and experimentation.
  • Agile development methodologies: JavaScript programmers are well-versed in agile methodologies, following best practices and actively seeking learning opportunities to enhance their skills and deliver high-quality results.
  • Research and development: JavaScript engineers stay updated with the latest web and mobile technologies, continuously researching and developing new applications to enhance user interfaces and experiences.

Responsibilities of JavaScript developers

Responsibilities of JavaScript developers vary based on their roles, which can be classified into three categories:

1. Front-end JavaScript developer

  • Build the client-side of websites or web applications, creating functional and visually appealing pages.
  • Use markup languages like HTML, SGML, and XHTML to develop user-friendly web pages.
  • Maintain and enhance websites or web pages, optimizing application speed and improving functionality and usability.
  • Create prototypes and collaborate with back-end developers on coding and troubleshooting tasks.
  • Design high-quality graphics and ensure adherence to high standards.
  • Stay updated with emerging technologies and skills, remaining current in the field.

2. Back-end JavaScript developer

  • Handle the server-side of websites or web applications, focusing on the unseen aspects that power their functionality.
  • Write clean code to develop functional web applications and contribute to the entire development process.
  • Debug and troubleshoot issues, conducting UI tests to optimize performance.
  • Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-friendly elements with server-side logic.
  • Provide training and support to internal teams and build reusable code for future use.

3. Full-stack JavaScript developer

  • Possess expertise in both client-side and server-side development, proficient in coding front-end and back-end languages.
  • Utilize a range of technologies to develop applications and collaborate with development teams and project managers.
  • Design architecture for both client-side and server-side components, ensuring efficient and scalable solutions.
  • Create appealing designs for front-end development and develop databases and applications for the back-end.
  • Test software products for responsiveness and implement security and data protection settings.
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Skills and qualifications to look for in a JavaScript developer

The skills required for each role in JavaScript development are as follows:

1. Skills of a front-end JavaScript developer

  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS, including knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 features and their integration with frameworks.
  • Familiarity with JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, ReactJS, or VueJS.

2. Skills of a back-end JavaScript developer

  • Expertise in back-end platforms like Node.js, which enables running JavaScript code outside of a web browser.
  • Experience in working with databases, including knowledge of SQL or MongoDB.
  • Familiarity with building APIs using either GraphQL or REST.

3. Skills of a full-stack JavaScript developer

  • Strong communication, organizational, and leadership skills.
  • Excellent debugging and optimization abilities.
  • Experience with client-side single-page applications using frameworks like React or Ruby.
  • Several years of experience working with JavaScript, as full-stack developers need to master both front-end and back-end development.

Things to know before hiring JavaScript developers

The context of the project you are undertaking will define what kind of JavaScript developer you hire. Below are some key considerations about a project and how they will influence your choice of developer.

1. Project in progress

If your project has already started and you have existing code, your focus will be on finding a developer with a specific skill set aligned with the technologies and frameworks used in your project. Look for someone who can seamlessly take over and deliver the desired work without the need for extensive code rewrites.

2. Starting from scratch

When starting a project from scratch, selecting the right developer becomes more challenging. Begin by deciding on a tech stack, which includes the software, languages, and libraries to be used. Choose from popular libraries and frameworks that have gained traction for their efficiency and performance. Seek advice from trusted individuals with expertise in the field to help you make informed decisions.

3. Short project with defined tasks

For projects with short and well-defined tasks, hiring developers with specific skills relevant to the required job can be cost-effective. These short-term hires can efficiently complete the assigned tasks, such as adding features, upgrading, updating, or performing maintenance on existing code.

4. Long project

Longer projects involving complex tasks require developers with a broader skill set. These projects can span months and may require flexibility as requirements evolve over time. Effective communication skills are crucial, especially if you have limited technical knowledge. Look for developers who can clearly communicate their actions and reasoning to enhance understanding and cooperation. Prioritize candidates with experience working on larger projects and those with diverse language backgrounds for back-end or full-stack projects.

5. Budget considerations

Longer projects typically come with higher costs. Not only do you need to account for paying developers over an extended period, but it's also advisable to invest in higher-rate developers who bring valuable expertise. Remember, in the industry, the quality of work often aligns with the rate, depending on the region.

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Sourcing a JavaScript developer

When it comes to sourcing a high-performing JavaScript developer, there are several avenues you can explore:

Online communities

Engage with communities such as Reddit, Stack Overflow, and GitHub. These platforms provide opportunities to connect with JavaScript enthusiasts, learn from their expertise, and identify potential candidates.


Participate in hackathons, which offer an environment for developers to showcase their skills and compete. Keep an eye on events compiled by Eventyco, as they attract JavaScript developers looking to enhance their abilities.


Attend conferences that focus on JavaScript, where you can learn about the latest use cases and coding techniques. provides a comprehensive list of JavaScript conferences both in the U.S. and overseas.

Job boards

Utilize professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, job search engines such as Glassdoor and Indeed, to connect with and hire JavaScript engineers.

Reputed freelance marketplaces

Consider reputable freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork if you need to hire freelance JavaScript developers for specific projects. These platforms offer a range of talented professionals. Additionally, explore alternatives to Toptal to ensure you find the best fit for your requirements.

Tech recruitment platforms

Tech recruitment platforms like can significantly simplify the hiring process. These platforms provide access to vetted JavaScript engineers, ensuring efficiency and agility in your hiring efforts. With, the entire hiring process can be completed in as little as 48 hours.

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Helpful tips for pre-screening a JavaScript developer

When pre-screening JavaScript developers, talent acquisition specialists play a crucial role in assessing candidates. Here are some helpful tips for conducting effective pre-screening:

  1. Assess work experience: Inquire about the candidate's years of experience working with JavaScript to gauge their seniority level. Understanding their past work experiences provides insights into their expertise.
  2. Evaluate English proficiency: Check the candidate's proficiency in English to ensure smooth communication between the client and developer. Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration.
  3. Consider soft skills: Look for important soft skills such as communicativeness, punctuality, and a professional attitude. A developer who exhibits strong interpersonal skills and professionalism is more likely to thrive in a team environment.
  4. Technical skills and knowledge: Evaluate the candidate's technical skills in JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, asynchronous programming, cross-browser coding, React.js, Node.js, and TypeScript. A solid foundation in these areas is essential for a JavaScript developer.
  5. JS basics: Ensure the developer has a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript basics, including how it works, when to use it, and the description of data types, variables, functions, classes, constructor functions, and modularity. Strong problem-solving skills are also important.
Besides the problem-solving skills, the developer must master all JS basics. Starting from how it works, when it is used and why, but also accurately describing simple data types, variables, functions, classes, constructor functions, and modularity. - Eugene Garla, VP of Talent at 
  1. Pay attention to the candidate's environment: Encourage the candidate to participate in the call from a suitable environment. A clean, well-lit space with good camera quality and a headset for clear sound enhances the overall experience.
  2. Professional demeanor: Consider how the candidate handles the conversation flow. Active listening, clear communication, and politely seeking clarification demonstrate strong conversational skills and enhance their overall communicativeness.

JavaScript developer interview questions 

Many questions are relevant for testing the expertise of the JS developer, but here are some suggestions that you could use during the interview.

20 questions to check hard skills

  • What are your favorite JavaScript frameworks, and why?
  • Why is namespace necessary when coding in JavaScript?
  • How do you structure your CSS and JavaScript?
  • What is isNaN, and how is it used?
  • Explain what "negative infinity" means in JavaScript.
  • What are global variables in JavaScript?
  • Explain the difference between SessionState and ViewState.
  • What are looping structures in JavaScript?
  • Explain the meaning of "NULL" in JavaScript.
  • How is "Void (0)" used in JavaScript?
  • What is the "pop()" method in JavaScript?
  • State the difference between ".call()" and ".apply()" in JavaScript.
  • How do deferred scripts work in JavaScript?
  • What are arrow functions in JavaScript?
  • List all the JavaScript data types.
  • What are JavaScript timers?
  • Elaborate on automatic type conversion in JavaScript.
  • What is the event delegation model in JavaScript?
  • Define JavaScript cookies.
  • How many error types are there in JavaScript, and can you define them?

Questions to check soft skills

  • Problem-solving: Describe a time when you debugged a problematic error. What approach and tools did you use?
  • Adaptability: Describe a time when significant, unexpected changes occurred. How did you handle the situation?
  • Communication skills: How do you ensure effective communication with your team leader and team members? What do you do in case of a disagreement?
  • Creativity: Tell us about a time when you used a creative or non-standard method to solve a coding problem.
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North American JavaScript developer salaries

JavaScript developer salaries 

Recruiting and hiring JavaScript developers can indeed be a challenging and competitive process. To attract and retain top talent, it's important to consider competitive salaries. On average, JavaScript developers earn approximately $94,260 per year. The salary range for JavaScript developers can vary, with the highest-paying positions reaching up to $109,796 annually.

It's worth noting that while JavaScript is a widely used and in-demand language, it may not be among the highest-paid technologies. To ensure you're offering a competitive salary, it's recommended to conduct market research and consider factors such as the developer's experience, skill level, location, and the specific requirements of your project. 

You’re almost there

To build a successful tech company, it's crucial to make the right decisions, from identifying the target market to developing a minimum viable product and iterating based on user feedback. However, one of the most critical factors in determining your project's success is having a team of skilled developers in place. That's why it's essential to have a plan that ensures you can acquire and retain top talent in a scalable and cost-effective way.

To streamline the hiring process and find the perfect JavaScript developers for your team, leveraging cutting-edge technology is key. At Index, as Europe's leading talent network, we specialize in connecting you with highly skilled JavaScript developers, eliminating the tedious tasks of searching, screening, and interviewing candidates.

With, you gain access to a pool of pre-vetted remote JavaScript engineers at a fraction of the cost. Our rigorous evaluation process ensures that we select only the best talent who possess expertise in CSS, HTML, web technologies, UI/UX standards, JavaScript frameworks, and code versioning tools, among other essential skills.

By partnering with, you can hire your star JavaScript developer up to 10 times faster and with greater efficiency than ever before. We not only save you valuable time but also help you optimize your hiring budget by reducing costs by at least 50%.

Let be your trusted partner in building a strong and talented development team that will drive the success of your tech company.

If you're a skilled JavaScript developer seeking high-paying remote jobs, joining can connect you with promising projects in the US, UK, and EU markets. 

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