For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

Data Scientists vs Machine Learning Engineers: Key Differences

Snce there is a surge in interest in careers in the data industry, this post will assist you in delving deeper into the debate between Machine Learning Engineer and Data Scientist, emphasizing their roles within a firm and demonstrating the abilities connected with each.

Corporations have a pent-up appetite to make data-driven decisions nowadays and as a consequence, people whose job role has something to do with data are in great demand. Acknowledging the specific details and criteria of each of the current and new roles in the Data Industry can go a long way towards helping you build a successful career path, and organizations looking to hire Data Analysts know exactly who and what they are beginning to look for to fill such roles.

Since there is a surge in interest in careers in the data industry, this post will assist you in delving deeper into the debate between Machine Learning Engineer and Data Scientist, emphasizing their roles within a firm and demonstrating the abilities connected with each.

Introduction to Data Science 

Data Science is becoming one of the most important strengths of any firm desiring to expand and do business smoothly in the twenty-first century, and it has played a big part in the Data Economy. Data Science is a branch of study that blends programming skills, mathematical knowledge, and statistics to derive meaningful conclusions from data. It can also be defined as the forecast and deduction of data from both structured and unstructured data in order to assist individuals and businesses to make smart decisions and order to better serve their consumers.

As more firms produce enormous volumes of data, they have learned that this data can be used as a catalyst to gain insights into consumer behavioral patterns, identify where flaws happened and how to correct them, assess clients' spending characteristics in terms of objectives, and so on. Analyzing data to stay competitive is now an appealing proposition irrespective of an organization's size or sector.

An overview of Data Scientists

A data scientist is a professional who collects, analyses, and explains massive amounts of data. Many traditional technical roles, such as mathematician, scientist, statistician, and certified computer scientist, are extensions of the position of data scientist.

What do they do

When a firm needs to make decisions, they look for data scientists to gather, process, and derive meaningful insights from data. When a corporation engages data scientists, they will begin investigating all aspects of the business and devising ways for doing thorough analysis utilizing programming languages such as Java.

They will leverage digital experimentation, as well as a variety of other strategies, to assist businesses in growing and prospering.

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Introduction to Machine Learning

Data Science includes Machine Learning, which is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This area of AI creates a class of data-driven algorithms that allow software programs to become very accurate in anticipating future outcomes without having to program them explicitly.

Machine Learning entails the creation of algorithms that take historical data as input and use statistical models to predict new output values, as well as updating outputs as new data values become known. The relevance of Machine Learning cannot be taken for granted because it is a key differentiator for many businesses. As a result, many businesses are investing massively in order to gain a better understanding of trends in customer behavior, business operational patterns, and the development of new products based on data from previous products' histories.

Machine Learning has become a vital aspect of top organizations' operations, as it can be used for detecting fraud, malware scanning, predictive maintenance, malware threat detection, and business process automation.

An overview of Machine Learning Engineers

Data scientists create models, which machine learning engineers submit. Machine Learning Engineers are in charge of handling data science theoretical models and assisting in their extension to industry applications capable of handling terabytes of real-time data.

What do Machine Learning Engineers do?

Machine learning engineers collaborate at the intersection of software engineering and data science. They use big data technologies and programming frameworks to repurpose raw data from data pipelines into data science models that can scale up as needed.

Machine learning experts frequently design control systems for machines and robotics. Machine learning algorithms enable a computer to discover patterns in its own programming data, educate itself to understand commands, and even reason for itself, thanks to methods developed by machine learning experts.

The following paragraphs will further characterize these roles, then take a glance at their tasks and the prerequisites in both of them, and eventually, their salary ranges. The objective of this analysis is to give you detailed explicit information into the comparison of Machine Learning Engineer vs Data Scientist, to further elaborate and highlight the difference that exists between the two job roles.

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Data Scientist vs Machine Learning Engineers Responsibilities Comparison

Data Scientist:    

  • Obtaining and collecting data from a variety of sources
  • Processes and cleans data prior to storage
  • Identifying the demands of both consumers and businesses, and then developing strategies to meet those needs.
  • Developing processes to aid in the monitoring and analysis of performance as well as data accuracy

Machine Learning Engineer:

  • Develops Machine Learning Models
  • Creates software that aids in the development of machine learning applications.
  • Implements Machine Learning algorithms, works on statistical principles such as probability distributions and possible outcomes.
  • Ensures flawless information flow and efficient communications between databases and back-end systems.

Data Scientist vs Machine Learning Engineer: Skills Required

Most Data Scientists hold a master's or doctoral degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Statistics. Additionally there are also a variety of industrial skills that can be utilized to become a successful Data Scientist.

Machine Learning Engineers, like Data Scientists, are expected to have a master's degree or a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Engineering, or similar subjects. A competent Machine Learning Engineer will be familiar with the standard deployment of Machine Learning algorithms that are available via libraries, Machine Learning packages and APIs.

Skills Comparison

Data Scientist: 

  • Skills of SQL, Java, Python
  • Knowledge of Complex Statistical Concepts
  • Knowing how to use Web Services such as Redshift, S3, Digital Ocean and Spark
  • Working with Analytics tools like Google Analytics

Machine Learning Engineer:

  • Knowledge of Programming Languages like Python, Java, R, C++, C, JavaScript, Scalia, Julia, etc.
  • Knowledge of Applied Mathematics and Distributed Systems
  • Knowledge of GitHub/Git 
  • Working with deployment tools like Airflow, Docker, AWS, Google Cloud

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Machine Learning Engineer vs Data Scientist: Salary

Because many organizations are investing extensively in insights that can be extracted from the data they collect, Data Scientists are in high demand. As a result, the average compensation of a Data Scientist is around $108,000 per year in the US, however this varies depending on the nature of the work.

Like Data Scientists companies are also looking for Machine Learning Engineers that can create algorithms that allow computers to learn and recognize patterns on their own, improving the business's overall health. A Machine Learning Engineer's average yearly income in the US is roughly $130,000, depending on the company that hires them.

Top Companies using Machine Learning & Data Science

Tesla, Amazon, Bank of America, Google Cloud and Mathworks are some of the big players leveraging Data Science and Machine Learning. 

When you look at these two roles, you'll notice that machine learning engineer vs. data scientist jobs aren’t a point of conflict. On the contrary, it's more about the types of projects you'd like to work on. You will get to collaborate on cutting-edge technology and business as a machine learning engineer or a data scientist. And, as demand for top-tier IT talent far outstrips supply, the competition for creative brains will only intensify in the coming generations.

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If you’re looking for more useful information about other types of software engineers, check out Python, Java, Full-Stack Developer, ReactJs, and Data Engineer blog posts. logo and copy

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