NewsFebruary 15, 2024

Build your borderless career with Index at Freedom Business Summit 2022

Our VP of Talent Eugene Garla will be a speaker at Freedom Business Summit 2022. Eugen will be joining the conversation with a speech about remote business autonomy and fully virtual distribution on the 9th of November, 14:30 GMT.

Index is proud to announce that our VP of Talent Eugene Garla will be speaker at Freedom Business Summit 2022. Eugen will be joining the conversation with a speech about remote business autonomy and fully virtual distribution on the 9th of November, 14:30 GMT.

He will be accompanied by over 20 global entrepreneurs and industry experts who will share their experiences on second citizenship, new offshore strategies, global incorporation, and more. 


Date: 9th November | 2:30 pm (GMT)

Format: Worldwide | Online 

20+ Speakers | 20 countries | 3,000+ attendees

Freedom Business Summit is an online global summit centering around strategies on location independence, international investing, and autonomous work. On its 4th edition that takes place between 9-10 November, the summit is set to bring together 20 speakers and 3,000 global entrepreneurs, world travelers, investors, and freedom seekers from 20 countries: Brazil, USA, Estonia, France, Spain, Malta, Canada, Portugal, Romania to share knowledge and expertise on how to: 


☑ Run a remote business and invest abroad

☑ Get second citizenship and open bank accounts

☑ Register companies in low-tax countries

☑ Build a freedom sovereign lifestyle

Here is what you can expect to learn: 

  • NEW OFFSHORE STRATEGIES & SAFE HAVENS - international tax planning, new business strategies, strategies for bitcoin investors, and assets protection. 
  • SECOND CITIZENSHIP PROGRAMS & RELOCATION - relocation and residency visas, getting multiple second passports, second residencies, and citizenship, investment immigration.
  • GLOBAL INCORPORATION AND BANKING - learn how to find the best jurisdiction, benefits of Estonia e-Residency program, international banking, and new global shifts to observe.
  • REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT STRATEGIES - learn how to find the best location to invest overseas, international real estate, and property investing.
  • SELF-SOVEREIGNTY & LOCATION INDEPENDENCY - playing the game of flag theory, why having a second passport is necessary, how you pick the right jurisdiction, and what the paperwork is like.


Freedom Business Summit partners with industry-leading companies and experts from e-Residency Estonia, Cinvestmigration, and Bali Investment Club. It supports Ukraine in its struggle for peace and freedom. No matter where in the world you are, by joining the summit, you are providing direct help to the charity foundation, aimed at supporting Ukrainian civilians.

This is a free online event to attend and you can get free by clicking the link  

For more details, reach out the Freedom Business Summit site.

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