For DevelopersFebruary 23, 2024

Decoding Developer Engagement:'s NPS Survey Insights

Discover how leverages NPS to gain insights into its platform-developer-client dynamics.

To keep our tech talent community thriving, it's simple: deliver value and provide interesting projects that keep them coming back for more. At, we get it. Finding great projects for our engineering talent is just the start. We go the extra mile by listening to their needs, helping them onboard smoothly, setting them up for success, and extending their remote work opportunities after each project. That's why our engineering talent sticks around for over 13 months on average per project. That’s why they have a higher retention rate compared to in-house employment. 

Also read: Why hire remote developers in 2024 & what can do for you

Sure, there are many ways to measure our software engineers' experience with the projects we assign them. But using the Net Promoter Score methodology gives us a clear picture of how our tech talent feels about contracting on It's crucial for gauging our platform's health, boosting developer retention through referrals, and building a stronger community.

Our Account Management for Developers team runs NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys with our contractors twice a year. These surveys let us hear directly from our tech talent about their experience with Are they happy with our communication and support? How well did they integrate into their new team and are they satisfied with the project and assistance? We use their feedback to spot areas for improvement.

The results are in: on a scale from -100 to 100, our Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 76, meaning contractors are likely to recommend our remote work services. On a scale of 1 to 10, that would be an average score of 9.2. 

In this blog, we'll dive into how we use NPS to understand the platform-developer-client relationship better. We'll also explore how our remote work solution aligns with tech talent's vision of the future of work. 

But first, let's break down what NPS is, how it works, and why it's essential for our platform's success.

What is NPS and why does it matter?

When making important decisions, like choosing a new apartment, job, or vacation spot, you likely seek recommendations from friends and family. Customers' recommendations, whether through word-of-mouth or online reviews, carry significant weight. Research shows that 91% of people read online reviews regularly, and 84% trust them as much as personal recommendations.

Given the importance of customer feedback in shaping decisions, collecting feedback and addressing any issues is crucial for businesses. This is where the NPS®, or Net Promoter Score, comes into play.

NPS, or Net Promoter Score, is a powerful tool for gauging customer sentiment and loyalty. It's based on a single question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company?" This straightforward question provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and the likelihood of them promoting your product or service to others.

Introduced in Harvard Business Review in 2003, NPS has become a standard metric used by businesses worldwide. It's a quick and effective way to measure customer feedback and identify areas for improvement.

At, we understand the importance of customer feedback in shaping our platform. That's why we utilize NPS to gather insights from our engineering talent and continuously enhance their experience. 

How do you calculate NPS?

To calculate your NPS, start by surveying your customers or, in our case, the tech talent we provide remote work opportunities to with leading brands in the US, UK, and EU. Ask them the question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to others?"

Based on their responses, categorize them into three groups:

  1. Promoters (9-10): These are enthusiastic, loyal customers who will recommend your business to others.
  2. Passives (7-8): These customers are indifferent and could potentially become promoters or switch to your competition.
  3. Detractors (0-6): These are unhappy customers who may leave your platform and could harm your brand's reputation by sharing negative experiences.

According to Bain & Company, the creators of NPS, the score ranges as follows:

  • Above 0 is good.
  • Above 20 is favorable.
  • Above 50 is excellent.
  • Above 80 is considered world-class.

Generally, any score above 5 is great, and anything above 8 is exceptional. According to Survey Monkey’s global benchmark data, which includes NPS scores from over 150,000 organizations, the average NPS score is above 3.2, making our score of 7.6 truly outstanding.

How did run its NPS survey?

Receiving developer's raw and thoughtful feedback in the future is vital, in order to be able to improve the quality of the engineering experience for all future engineers. – Natalia Munteanu, Account Manager for Developers

To gather thoughtful, raw feedback that can enhance experiences for all engineering talent in the future, we expanded our NPS survey beyond just asking about the likelihood to recommend. We included four major questions covering various aspects of our services. 

  1. Project satisfaction
  2. Team integration
  3. Ongoing collaboration
  4. Likelihood to recommend

And here is what we’ve got:

1. Project Satisfaction 

Average Score: 8.5

Developers' strengths stem from their satisfaction with the projects they're assigned to. While screening high-performing tech talent is crucial, it's equally important to have a well-organized system for vetting and matching projects efficiently. At, we meticulously select projects based on each developer's background, mindset, time zone, and industry preferences to ensure optimal performance.

Here's some feedback from our engineering talent:

The client is very friendly, and the team is cooperative. The sprints have well-structured requirements, with clear explanations of designs and functionalities during sprint planning. - Douglas Silvio Correa, Full Stack Developer in a Research & Product Development Company

            NPS feedback

Excellent client to work with. All agile processes are followed meticulously. The client is technically proficient, with clearly defined requirements and strong support. - Dipenkumar Monani, Java Developer, in a Travel Infrastructure Company

I appreciate the clarity and conciseness in communication. My manager always reaches out to clarify anything, which I value highly. - Henrique Delgado Sales, Full-Stack Developer in a Product Verification Company

            NPS feedback

The project I'm working on was challenging initially, but thanks to the team's support, I now find it easy. The team is helpful and always ready to assist. Kerim Hadzibegovic, Senior QA Engineer in Enterprise Software Development Company 

I think it's an amazing product and a great company. - Juan Martin Dominguez, Frontend/UX/UI Designer in an  I.T. Services Provider

            NPS feedback

The project work is both challenging and interesting, keeping me engaged and motivated. Divyeh Khanna, Data Engineer in a Software Company

2. Team Integration

Average Score: 9

Smooth onboarding and integration processes contribute significantly to remote contractor satisfaction. Poor team dynamics can dampen morale. At, we prioritize setting contracting engineers up for success by facilitating seamless onboarding and ensuring they feel like valued members of their development team through regular check-ins.

Here's some feedback from our engineering talent:

The team is amazing, and I truly feel like part of it. I have no complaints. - Leonardo Vinicius Kaminski Ferreira, iOS Developer in a Product Development Company

Our team is exceptionally strong and well-organized. There are no misunderstandings, and we have no unnecessary meetings or calls. All tasks are well-suited for their assignee and clearly described." - Denis Chernick, Data Engineer, in a SQL Software Company

           NPS feedback

4. Communication & Assistance

Average Score: 9.4

Not measuring NPS means you'll never address the core problems causing issues for developers or clients. – Svetlana Catrinescu, Account Manager for Developers

Effective communication and assistance are vital for software engineer satisfaction and project success. At, we prioritize open, transparent, constant, quick, balanced, and clear communication, facilitated by our in-house AMD managers. From onboarding to project management and completion, our dedicated team ensures that engineering talent receive personalized support and feedback. 

                      NPS survey feedback on communication and assistance

Svetlana Catrinescu, Account Manager for Developers at, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tech talent needs: 

“By receiving and acting upon feedback from our assigned developers, we ensure transparent communication, enhanced productivity, and growth opportunities within their projects.”

Here's some feedback from our engineering talent:

I appreciate the proactive communication from They regularly seek feedback and updates on the project's progress, making us feel like valued members of the team." - Douglas Silvio Correa, Full Stack Developer in a Research & Product Development Company

Whenever I encountered an issue, I received prompt and transparent responses. The feedback provided was clear and helpful." - Sevim Ayvaz, Java Developer in a Travel Infrastructure Company

           NPS feedback

5. Likelihood to Recommend 

NPS score - 76

Average score - 9,2's NPS score of 76 reflects the dedication put into ensuring developer satisfaction. Our approach is highly personalized, catering to the unique needs of each developer. By actively listening to their feedback and delivering on their expectations, we foster a sense of trust and value. This commitment to excellence extends beyond a mere loyalty score – it drives us to constantly enhance the tech talent experience and build a high-quality service for remote work on a global scale. Here are some key advantages of working with, as highlighted by our developers:

I appreciate the peace of mind with the Index model, allowing me to focus my skills on the job and leverage my expertise in my role. Pedro Henrique Maione Campos, BMC Embedded Firmware Developer in a Computer Manufacturing & Systems Integration Company 

             NPS survey feedback

One of the best things about platform is the Quality of its clients. - Giuseppe Marotta, Python Developer in a Professional Services Firm is all about the Transparency, Commitment, Vision and Approachability. - Dipenkumar Monani, Java Developer in Travel Company

Collaboration became better. Collaboration with Index is the main key for me. - Ashish Bagde, .NET Developer in a Software Company

Why does need to track NPS?

Tracking NPS is crucial for for several reasons:

Measuring Developer Engagement

NPS allows us to gauge the loyalty of developers towards our platform and assess their likelihood of recommending our remote work services to others. It also helps us identify potential churn among developers, enabling us to take proactive measures to retain them.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Through our NPS surveys, we collect detailed feedback from developers, including specific comments on why they provided a certain score. This qualitative feedback helps us pinpoint areas where improvements are needed, whether it's addressing bugs on the platform, enhancing developer experience, or ensuring better project fits for developers.

Boosting Referrals

A high NPS score indicates that developers are likely to recommend our platform to their peers. Positive recommendations from satisfied tech talent carry significant weight and contribute to building a strong community of engineers through referrals. Research shows that developers who rate a company's service as "good" are 38% more inclined to recommend it to others, amplifying our reach within the tech talent community.

Also read: How assigned a top-tier Ruby expert through its Refer-a-Dev program

                           NPS feedback

Summing up

By migrating all our recruitment processes to our platform, we've reached a significant milestone where our engineering roadmap mirrors the feedback we receive from NPS surveys. This is exciting because it enables us to directly engage with our engineers and show them tangible results of their input. We can now go back to them and say, "Hey, six months ago, you told us to do this, and now it's live on our platform. Thank you for your input." – Eugene Garla, VP of Platform

In summary, at, we utilize NPS to enhance developers' experience on our platform, within their assigned projects, and throughout their remote careers. By providing a reliable and user-friendly platform for global remote work, we achieve a remarkable 3x retention rate compared to in-house hiring, with developers staying an average of 13+ months on projects. Our fast-paced recruitment process saves engineers time and effort, while effective communication ensures that engineering talent can build long-lasting remote careers with ease.

Moreover, the recent NPS survey shows that our recruitment services remain strong. Tech talent can rely on our team of professional recruiters, matchers, and account managers to handle all organizational matters, allowing them to focus solely on their work.

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