For DevelopersFebruary 15, 2024

Mastering Structural Design Patterns for Developers: Part 2

Dive into the world of structural design patterns: Facade, Decorator, Composite, Adapter, Bridge, Proxy, and Flyweight. Learn and apply these powerful concepts.

The second part is about structural design patterns.

While creational design pattern offers developers various object-creation mechanisms, structural design patterns are all about combining those objects and classes into larger structures while keeping them flexible and efficient.

We will go through 7 design patterns:

  1. Facade
  2. Decorator
  3. Composite
  4. Adapter
  5. Bridge
  6. Proxy
  7. Flyweight

Each pattern will be described by use-case from real-life and TypeScript code examples.

Also read: Mastering creational design patterns for developers: Part 1

1) Facade

A facade is a design pattern usually used when you have a relatively complex set of features to enable easy handling of these features in a way that guards the consumer against that complexity.

This usually happens as the project matures over time when more and more features are implemented or modified.

A good real-life example of a Facade pattern is a restaurant.

When you go to a restaurant, a waiter takes your orders and you have no clue what is happening after that.

A whole set of actions take place, the waiter takes your orders to the kitchen and a bar, the barista needs to make your drinks, the wine must be prepared, the chef accepts the orders, food ingredients are being prepared by helper chefs, etc.

You as a guest aren’t aware of any of these complex actions, and that’s the way it should be.

Let’s implement a facade pattern in this restaurant-like scenario:

First, we have 2 classes, a Waiter and a Chef.

We could add more but for the sake of simplicity, 2 classes are enough. Each of these classes contains methods that are related to their specific actions.

The next class is Restaurant, which accepts Waiter and Chef in a constructor and has only one method which is used to execute a chain of actions.

These actions can be in any order and from any sub-system (Waiter or Chef or something else).

Now let’s test this code:

As you can see, with just one exposed method, a whole set of complexity hidden from a consumer can be executed.

2) Decorator

The decorator pattern is an interesting one, it lets you attach functionality to an object, at runtime.

This allows you to introduce an extension to a current feature, without refactoring the code of that feature.

The decorator forwards all these requests to that enclosed object and executes these extra actions. These requests can also work recursively.

Now, imagine you have a feature for notifications in your project. Currently, it only sends email notifications. Then clients decide that they want also Slack and SMS notifications.

This is a lot of combinations for a notification feature as users can receive only one notification but also can receive all 3 types of notifications, depending on preferences.

Situations like these can be solved by decorator pattern, so let’s jump to the code:

Starting with INotifier, a simple interface with notify method.

Next is EmailNotifier class which implements notify method and sends the notification via email.

The next class is the most interesting one, a Notifier. It accepts a new instance of INotifier and also implements notify method.

This way we can ensure recursive notifying of multiple instances.


Let’s test it:

The first example is a very simple one, emailNotifier which notifies the user via email.

The second example is a more complex one, as it takes emailNotifier, and passes it to the slackNotifier, which is then passed to the smsNotifier.

As you can see, the output is indeed recursive. Notifying through SMS, then Slack, and finally email.

3) Composite

This design pattern is good for situations where you have data that you need to represent in a hierarchical or tree-like order.

The composite pattern allows you to represent individual objects or groups of these objects as the same while allowing you to take care of the composition of these objects and groups.

It also allows you to add new or remove existing objects while maintaining flexibility.

A good example of a composite pattern is a company structure.

Company is the top object, then you have different branches like marketing or engineering. After that, you have workers which work under different branches, managers, or normal workers.

Let’s show that example in the code:

The base of this example is the interface IWorker and work method.

Then there is the class CompanyWorker which implements the work method while accepting a position in the constructor.

Another class Company also implements the work method, but it also contains add and remove methods, which offer flexibility to add or remove objects from the tree.

Let’s see it in action:

The first example is a simple one, a developer as a worker, doing some work.

The next example is a more complex one. There is a Company called Google. Followed by 2 branches of engineering and marketing.

Both branches have some workers assigned. The engineering branch has a developer and a QA engineer, while marketing has a copywriter.

Work as a process can start from a single worker (first example - solo developer) as well as from a complex tree structure (second example - company)

4) Adapter

Sometimes, in a project, you have classes that are very similar but have different interfaces, so you can’t use them as you would like.

Apart from that, you can’t modify those classes so that it suits your needs as these classes are usually from some 3rd party or a different system.

To make these 2 classes interact with each other, you can build an Adapter pattern on top of the method signatures so it extends the functionality.

You might think that the Adapter is similar to the decorator pattern.

Indeed, it is but the difference is that adapter is not intended to use recursively. The adapter is just an alternative interface to the existing one.

A good example of an adapter in real life is a translator.

At the time of writing this article, the football world cup is kicking and usually, you can see journalists asking football players questions at the conferences before the football games.

However, the problem is that for example, a journalist that speaks English doesn’t understand Spanish. So to be able to understand the Spanish-speaking footballer, he needs a translator (adapter).

Let’s put this example in the code:

EnglishSpeakingFootballer and SpanishSpeakingFootballer are 2 basic classes, each one doing its own thing, English one has the speakEnglish method, while the Spanish one has the speakSpanish method. To make things simple, the speakSpanish method returns English text that is reversed.

The core is the Translator class, which extends EnglishSpeakingFootballer and implements the speakEnglish method.

It also accepts the SpanishSpeakingFootballer instance in the constructor, so that it can translate the Spanish text into an English text.

Let’s see how this works:

The first example is just to prove that English to English doesn’t need an adapter.

The second example is where the adapter comes into play.

With the help of a translator, the journalist now understands the answer from a Spanish footballer.

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5) Bridge

This design pattern is similar to an adapter, which is previously described.

The only difference is that bridge is used to refactor the existing code, while the adapter creates an interface on top of the existing code without refactoring it.

Bridge lets you split a large class or set of tightly coupled functionalities into 2 important layers: abstraction and implementation.

Let’s imagine that you have a smartwatch and a mobile phone.

These devices need chargers, so that 2 chargers, one for each device as they have different ports a smartwatch has a USB-mini port while a mobile phone has a USB-C port.

You also want to charge your smartwatch and mobile phone in the car, so you need to buy 2 more chargers to fit the car socket.

You end up with 4 different chargers with integrated cables, which is a lot of chargers.

Now let’s apply the bridge pattern to that situation. Instead of having a different type of charger with different integrated cables, you can buy an electric charger and a car charger with a USB port and removable USB-C and USB mini cables.

This way you can have 1 normal electric charger and a car charger that you can use with different cables.

Let’s implement it in the code:

As you can see there is an interface ChargingCable which is implemented in PhoneChargerCable and SmartWatchChargerCable, both cables doing their own thing.

Then there is an abstract class Charger which takes the ChargingCable instance and has its method charge.

Next, there are CarCharger and NormalCharger classes that extend the Charger class and charge devices through the cable instances

Now, let’s put this code into action:

This part is very straightforward, creating instances of cables, and instances of chargers.

Notice that you can also swap cables and chargers as with the bridge pattern both chargers accept both types of cables.

6) Proxy

A proxy is simply a design pattern that offers an interface for communicating with other classes or objects.

Proxy controls access to the targeted object, and it allows the consumer to perform some actions before or after the request gets to the targeted object.

The simplest example of a proxy pattern is a credit card, which is a proxy to your bank account.

You can use it to make payments, authorize transactions and avoid carrying huge amounts of money with you.

Let’s show the proxy design pattern in the code:

As usual, there is an interface that provides a method for some action, in this case, it is the pay method.

Next, 2 classes implement that interface, the first is our subject jeffBezos, and the second is a CreditCard, which checks access before executing payments.

Finally, it also logs the event.

Now let’s see how it works in the action:

Notice that our subject can also use the pay method by himself (eg. you can also pay with cash), but there is also a second example where the subject uses a proxy CreditCard to execute the payment.

7) Flyweight

Flyweight is an interesting pattern. Fly in its name means lightweight.

It is mostly used in situations where you have a large number of objects and need to operate with them.

Instead of creating these objects and handling them manually, which consumes a lot of memory or other resources, you may alter your classes to share numerous instances at the same time by using a reference to the shared object.

A good example would be a laptop manufacturer that makes and sells thousands of laptop models to different customers.

Maintaining these models manually would be a tedious process.

Instead, you can use a Flyweight design pattern and make this easy:

As you can see, everything evolves around 2 classes, a Laptop, and LaptopFactory.

The first one is pretty simple, it is a class that represents one instance, a laptop.

That laptop can be a unique instance eg. you bought a laptop and that specific model with serial number is only yours.

It can also be from a shared state, eg. a specific laptop model which is available for purchase.

The second class is a bit more complex, but its main method is getLaptop which provides a laptop from the shared state if it exists.

If the laptop doesn’t exist in the shared state, then a new one is created.

Let’s see how it works:

First, the factory is filled with some laptop models and there is a function purchaseLaptop that is handling purchases of laptop models by different customers.

Notice that in the instance of Apple’s Mac Book Air with the M2 processor, it doesn’t create a new one, but it reuses the one from the shared state.

While in the second purchase with Apple MacBook Air with M1 processor it is forced to create a new instance, as it doesn’t exist.

That’s all for the structural design patterns. Stay tuned for the 3rd and final part.

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