For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

Full Guide on How to Hire Front-End Developers Effectively

Discover the best hiring strategies for front-end developers.

Creating an outstanding user interface (UI) is vital for leaving a memorable impact on your website visitors. A remarkable UI not only boosts aesthetics but also instills trust and highlights your brand's distinctiveness. This is where the need for hiring front-end developers comes in.

In today's competitive tech landscape, we are well aware of the recruitment challenges. Front-end development stands out as one of the hottest tech jobs. To address these challenges, we've crafted this guide, simplifying the process of sourcing, hiring, and managing front-end developers. From grasping the core concepts of front-end development to identifying essential skills and roles, we've got you covered. Let's jump in!

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Frontend developer role

Front-End Developer Roles and Responsibilities

Front-end developers are vital for designing, implementing, and maintaining websites using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and related technologies. Here's a concise look at their key roles:

  1. Architecting the Frontend: Front-end devs design user interfaces and collaborate with back-end developers for seamless server-side logic and integration, ensuring a well-structured architecture and long-term usability.
  2. Designing User Interactions: This involves crafting pixel-perfect designs, responsive layouts, and a seamless user experience. A front-end specialist ensures the website is user-friendly and aligned with the intended design.
  3. Crafting Code: Proficient in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, they bring designs to life and add functionality to web applications. They use HTML to create user-facing pages, CSS to control appearance and layout, and JavaScript to add functionality to web applications.
  4. Enhancing Performance: Front-end developers optimize site speed and scalability, ensuring compatibility across browsers and devices.
  5. Ensuring Responsiveness: They make websites work flawlessly on all devices, influencing crucial business metrics like conversions and user retention.

Also read: 12 most in-demand programming languages to learn in 2023

Understanding Front-End Developer Seniority Levels

Front-end developers typically fall into one of these categories: Junior, Mid-Level, or Senior. Here's a concise breakdown of what each level entails:

1. Junior Front-End Developers


  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with an advantage if they know how to use a framework.
  • Limited experience, making them cost-effective hires.
  • Suitable for projects with senior developers or simple applications.

Word of advice: 

  • Be cautious when hiring without senior guidance. Ensure you have a senior team member if hiring juniors.
  • Look for online portfolios or past projects to gauge motivation and self-learning.

2. Mid-Level Front-End Developers


  • Over two years of experience.
  • Need less guidance but may not always choose the most optimal solutions.

Word of advice:

  • Seek experience with various frameworks.
  • Test their ability to answer complex front-end interview questions.

3. Senior Front-End Developers


  • Experienced in building large-scale applications, team collaboration, and mentoring.
  • Capable of making crucial architecture decisions.
  • Can have a big impact on your application’s speed and maintainability.

Word of advice:

  • Most costly to hire but offer comprehensive problem-solving for UI, UX, and business challenges.
  • Look for 6 or more years of experience, extensive knowledge in multiple frameworks, deep JavaScript expertise, and strong decision-making skills.

Skills of a Front-end Developer

Hiring a qualified front-end developer is all about striking the right balance. You need someone with not only technical prowess but also the essential soft skills that make a team function smoothly. Delve into the skillset you should seek when hiring a frontend developer, encompassing both their technical capabilities and interpersonal attributes.

Technical skills 

  1. Core Coding Skills: Frontend developers need strong coding skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for basic tasks, while mid-level developers should excel in JavaScript and have familiarity with AngularJS or ReactJS. Full-stack developers should also work with backend frameworks.
Percentage of jobs by Frontend framework
  1. Visual Skills: Frontend developers must possess a good eye for design and work with tools like Photoshop, Figma, and Adobe Illustrator to translate design concepts into visually appealing websites.
  2. Browser Development Tools: Proficiency in browser development tools is crucial for troubleshooting and optimizing code. Developers should know how to use tools like the browser console and network inspector to ensure web applications work well across different browsers and devices.
  3. Version Control: Version control systems like Git are essential for tracking code changes and facilitating collaboration among developers on team projects, allowing changes to be stored both locally and remotely.
  4. Debugging & Testing: Frontend developers should thoroughly test their code on various browsers and devices using browser development tools. They should also be skilled in debugging code issues and resolving cross-browser compatibility problems to ensure a seamless user experience.

Also read: JavaScript developer hiring guide

Soft skills

  • Communication Skills: Front-end developers must establish strong working relationships with the design team, ensuring a faithful translation of design concepts into functional websites. This involves clear communication during ideation and collaboration with team leads during implementation.
  • Teamwork: Drama-free code reviews and a willingness to learn, regardless of their career stage, are crucial. Constructive feedback and effective collaboration are essential for project success.
  • Creativity and Problem-Solving: Frontend developers are not just implementers; they are creators. Delivering a beautiful user experience requires creativity, while effective troubleshooting, solution generation, and debugging are essential for addressing development challenges.
Get matched with senior front-end developers by tapping into a pool of 10,000 pre-vetted tech talent profiles. Get started now → 

Where to Find Front-end Developers

When searching for top-tier front-end developers, consider these valuable avenues for talent acquisition:

  • Remote Work Platforms: Explore global remote work platforms like, where you can easily connect with pre-vetted front-end experts working remotely. This approach provides access to cost-effective talent from regions such as Serbia, Turkey, Georgia, and Brazil.
  • Freelancing Platforms: Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer a wide pool of front-end coders for swift hiring. While these platforms offer speed and convenience, be aware of potential variations in web application quality. For a more stringent selection process, platforms like Toptal may be a preferred choice.
  • Job Boards: For direct in-house hiring, consider job boards like AngelList, Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. These platforms cater to a global audience, offering a diverse range of talent options.
  • GitHub: Review online portfolios and GitHub repositories to assess a developer's skillset and experience comprehensively. GitHub is an excellent resource for evaluating their coding proficiency.
  • Meetups and Conferences: Attend meetups and conferences. These events provide a unique opportunity to interact with potential candidates in person, gaining deeper insights into their capabilities and suitability for your projects.
  • Referrals: Leverage your professional network to inquire about experienced front-end developers who may be interested in the position you're seeking to fill. Referrals often yield highly reliable and well-suited candidates.

5 Crucial Steps to Hire a Front-End Developer

As you set out to hire a front-end developer, it's not just about qualifications; it's about bringing a dynamic force to your team and business. Here's a succinct guide inspired by our practices at, ensuring you find the right front-end developers for your journey.

Step 1: Write a Clear Job Description

Before you dive into job postings and interviews, define the role in your company. Create a job description that spells out expectations and qualifications. Start by asking: What role needs filling? Do you need specialized experience? What tech stack and tasks are involved? What personality traits ensure success in the position?

Front-end developer skills

Step 2: Create a Screening Process

The influx of resumes can be overwhelming, but sifting through them is a critical step. Given the high demand for front-end skills, it's vital to perform two types of screening: technical and cultural. The former ensures they have the required skill set, while the latter helps gauge their cultural fit with your company.

Step 3: Check the Portfolio

A developer's portfolio reveals their capabilities and the projects they've worked on. Look for candidates whose portfolio aligns with your needs, be it mobile or desktop projects.

Also read: Evaluating remote developer portfolios: What to look for

Step 4: Gain Insights from Tech Assessments

Beyond soft skills, evaluate coding style and problem-solving. Implement test tasks to gauge their ability to deliver solutions. Don't hesitate to ask open-ended questions and conduct skills assessment tests. Explore their workflow for creating webpages, inquire about their preferences in HTML and CSS3, and identify what they'd change. Show them a sample website or your company's site and let them dissect its features – what's working, what's not, and what could be improved.

Step 5: Seal the Deal in a Second Interview

The second interview, often with a team lead, finalizes agreements and project specifics. At this stage, you've already ascertained the developer's skills and motivation.

Comparing Front-End developer salaries from different locations

Front-end developer salaries based on locations

Front-end developer salaries, like those of other professionals, vary significantly depending on location. In the US, the average stands at  $109,843 /year, according to ZipRecruiter. In contrast, in regions like Serbia or Brazil, you can secure top-quality talent for considerably less. If your tech company is based in the US or UK and cost-effectiveness is on your radar for your next software project, exploring foreign talent while maintaining quality might be the way to go.

When determining the right salary range for a front-end developer, here are some essential considerations:

  • Experience Matters: Don't equate experience with skill level. A junior developer with a few years under their belt may possess more current skills and potential than a senior developer who hasn't kept pace with new technologies.
  • Skillset is Key: Developers proficient in multiple programming languages and experienced with various tools and frameworks typically command higher salaries than those limited to a single language or unfamiliar with popular tools.
  • Location Significantly Impacts Salary: Be prepared for substantial salary variations based on location. A developer in San Francisco will earn significantly more than their counterpart in a smaller Eastern European city.
  • Market Research is a Must: Compare salaries for similar roles at other companies to gauge industry standards and set an appropriate salary range.
Get matched with senior front-end developers by tapping into a pool of 10,000 pre-vetted tech talent profiles. Get started now → 

Final Overview

If you need help finding, hiring, interviewing, vetting, and managing front-end candidates, one developer, or a fully functional team, we'd be happy to help. brings a wealth of experience to the table. Our commitment extends far beyond the initial hire. We focus on building long-term, high-retention relationships. Our engineers are rigorously vetted and seamlessly integrate into your team, dedicating a full 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week to your project.

Also read: How sources and vets its engineering talent

And if you require short-term or project-based engagements, we've got you covered. You'll also have a dedicated account management team ready to assist you whenever needed. Ready to build high-performing tech teams? Get started → 

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