For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

How to hire Flutter developer: The definitive guide

Learn more about hiring Flutter developers, including qualifications, salaries, and sourcing.

Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by developers globally 2022 (Source: Statista)

According to Statista's report, approximately 42% of software developers worldwide used Flutter in 2021, and this number is expected to rise further. Flutter is a highly popular mobile application development framework that empowers developers to create visually stunning, high-performance, and cross-platform applications. 

As the leading cross-platform framework, the demand for Flutter developers is soaring, making the hiring process competitive. To secure the best Flutter engineers, it's crucial to consider essential aspects, including their must-have skills and critical interview questions to identify top candidates. With more companies seeking to build Flutter apps, In the following guide we’ll provide valuable tips on how to hire experienced Flutter developers. Furthermore, we'll share valuable insights on how to strengthen your team with Flutter experts, including reasons to choose Flutter engineers, their responsibilities, sought-after skills, and potential costs.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to hire and onboard qualified Flutter developers and position your tech company for success in the competitive mobile app market.

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Reasons to hire Flutter developers

Why hire Flutter developers?

With extraordinary opportunities in cross-platform development, hiring a Flutter developer is a smart move. Here are some compelling reasons to hire Flutter app developers:

  1. Cross-platform development: Flutter developers can build applications for various devices, including mobile (iOS and Android), web, desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux), and embedded systems. This versatility allows companies to reach a broader audience with a single codebase.
  2. Faster development: Flutter's widget-based system enables rapid MVP creation, significantly reducing development time. The ability to create apps simultaneously for multiple platforms minimizes the need for platform-specific adjustments.
  3. Cost savings: Developing apps with Flutter results in cost savings since a single codebase is used for all platforms. This approach eliminates the need to develop separate native Android and iOS apps, streamlining the development process and reducing expenses.
  4. Supported by Google: Flutter and its underlying Dart programming language are developed and supported by Google. This association ensures compatibility with various Google systems and services, providing seamless integration with Google's APIs.
  5. MVP development: Flutter offers Flutterflow, a tool for rapid MVP development, enabling startups to create modern prototypes quickly and cost-effectively. This helps in securing funding and validating user experience hypotheses.
  6. Hot reload: Flutter's hot reload feature allows developers to make runtime code changes without losing significant app state. This speeds up the debugging and development process, improving overall efficiency.
  7. Deep customization & dynamic library: Flutter allows for deep customization, giving developers control over animations, widgets, rendering, and gestures. Its dynamic library of customizable widgets and stateful hot reload further enhances app development speed.
  8. Debugging ease: Flutter provides clear guides and documents, making debugging a more straightforward process. This ensures a smoother development experience for the team.
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What you can build using Flutter

Overall, Flutter's versatility and performance make it a go-to choice for developers looking to build high-quality, feature-rich, and visually appealing applications across various industries and use cases.With Flutter, developers can build a wide range of applications, including but not limited to:

  • Social media applications: Flutter provides the flexibility to build social media apps with features like instant messaging, push notifications, and media sharing capabilities.
  • Business applications: Flutter is an excellent choice for creating robust business apps, including CRM, inventory management, and project management tools.
  • E-commerce applications: Flutter is well-suited for developing e-commerce apps with features like product catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateway integration, and more.
  • Educational applications: Flutter enables developers to create user-friendly educational apps such as e-learning platforms, online courses, and interactive learning tools.
  • Gaming applications: Flutter's capabilities extend to building engaging games with 2D and 3D graphics, animations, sound effects, and other exciting features.
Also read: 6 top programming languages to level up your game development 
  • Health and fitness applications: Flutter can be used to develop health and fitness apps that track user activities, provide workout plans, and offer health tips and guidance.
  • Utility applications: Flutter is suitable for developing utility apps like calculators, converters, weather apps, and productivity tools.
  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications: Flutter can integrate with AR and VR technologies to build immersive experiences and interactive apps.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) applications: Flutter is compatible with IoT devices, enabling developers to create apps that control smart home devices and IoT-enabled appliances

Skillset to look for in a Flutter developer 

For a developer position, only a Flutter candidate with the right blend of hard and soft skills is a good fit. Here are some of the hard skills you should consider when hiring Flutter developers:

Hard skills

  1. Proficiency in Dart: As the programming language for Flutter, in-depth knowledge of Dart syntax, data structures, and features is crucial for successful Flutter app development.
  2. Flutter Framework: A deep understanding of Flutter's architecture, widgets, and libraries is essential to effectively utilize the framework's capabilities.
  3. Mobile App Development: Experience in developing mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms using Flutter is necessary, as Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development platform.
  4. Cross-Platform Development: Flutter allows developers to create apps that work seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms, making cross-platform development experience a valuable skill.
  5. UI/UX Design: Flutter's strength lies in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. Knowledge of UI/UX design principles and the ability to build engaging user interfaces is vital.
  6. Database Management: Many mobile applications require data storage and management. Flutter developers should be skilled in working with databases like SQLite or Firebase and integrating them into Flutter apps.
  7. API Integration: Knowledge of integrating third-party APIs for functionalities such as payment processing, social media sharing, and data analytics is essential for creating feature-rich apps.
  8. Version Control Tools (e.g., Git): Proficiency in version control systems like Git is crucial for managing code efficiently, especially when working collaboratively with a team.
  9. Agile Development: Familiarity with Agile development approaches can help streamline the development process and improve project management.
  10. Android and iOS Development Experience: Since Flutter allows the creation of apps for both platforms, developers should have experience and understanding of both Android and iOS development to leverage platform-specific features effectively.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are essential for Flutter developers to succeed in their roles and effectively collaborate with clients and team members. Here are some key soft skills that Flutter developers should possess:

  1. Communication skills: Excellent communication skills are crucial for developers to effectively present their solutions, ideas, and perspectives. They should be able to engage in brainstorming sessions and work together to find effective solutions.
  2. Teamwork: Flutter developers work in collaboration with other specialists, such as designers, QA engineers, and project managers. They should be capable of working as part of a team, distributing tasks efficiently, seeking help when needed, and respecting other team members' viewpoints.
  3. Problem-solving: In the development process, engineers may encounter various issues and bottlenecks. Flutter developers should be skilled in problem-solving, applying design thinking, thinking creatively, and finding resources and solutions to technical challenges.
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Sourcing Flutter developers 

Finding a skilled Flutter developer who possesses the right mix of technical expertise, soft skills, and effective communication is crucial for your team. While the recruitment process might be time-consuming and costly, implementing the following practices can simplify and expedite the search for the perfect candidate. Here's how you can discover the best match for your Flutter developer position:

  1. Freelance platforms: Platforms like Fiverr, Toptal, PeoplePerHour, and Upwork offer a diverse pool of developers. You can review their profiles, assess their experience, and even examine their past work. On bidding platforms like Upwork, you may find cost-effective options for startups. However, no strong senior Flutter developer will look for jobs on bidding platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, so if you need qualification, consider the following alternative. 
  2. Vetting tech talent platforms: Platforms like perform thorough vetting of Flutter candidates. They pre-check and pre-screen developers based on online reviews, professional networks (e.g., Git commits, LinkedIn), soft skills interviews (remote work experience, time management), English language proficiency (for collaboration with Western clients), and technical skills interviews. Such platforms ensure you get the best-suited options tailored to your specific needs.
  3. Job ads: If you wish to build an in-house team, utilize job boards such as Indeed, Hired, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. A well-written job description is vital for attracting experienced Flutter developers to your project.
  4. Communities and forums: Online platforms like Stack Overflow, The Verge, Reddit, Code Project, and XDA Developers are popular forums where developers engage in discussions. You can join these communities, post about your need for a Flutter developer, seek recommendations, and connect with potential candidates. Additionally, explore dedicated Flutter communities like the website, Flutter Community Discord channel, and Flutter Developers Facebook group.
  5. References: Don't overlook the power of personal connections. Reach out to friends, colleagues, and business partners who may have insights or worked with Flutter developers in the past.

Interview questions to assess Flutter developers

Recruiting a top-performing Flutter developer means a developer with a proper combination of technical, soft, and communication skills. However, the following interview questions will help you facilitate this process.

To assess their hard skills:

  • What is the primary difference between WebView and Flutter?
  • What format is used for layout files in Flutter?
  • Why are there three folders inside the Flutter project (android, ios, and lib)? What is their purpose?
  • What is the key difference between handling functions in Flutter and Android development?
  • According to you, what is the best option to ensure consistent Flutter code formatting?
  • Can you explain what a ScopedModel is and how it is used in Flutter?

To assess their soft skills:

  • Have you ever worked with a coworker you found challenging to work with? How did you handle and resolve the issues?
  • Can you share an instance when you had to tackle a task or problem you had never encountered before? How did you handle it, and did you learn from the experience?
  • In your opinion, what are the three critical criteria for a healthy work culture?
  • Has there been a situation where a work strategy you devised failed? How did you adapt and make adjustments?
  • Tell us about a time when you faced a significant problem, and your manager was not present. How did you handle the situation and resolve the issue?

Flutter developer salaries

Flutter developer salaries can vary significantly based on several factors, including geographical location, level of expertise, experience, and project complexity. Here's an overview of the approximate hourly rates for Flutter developers in different regions:

North America:

In the US and Canada, Flutter developers typically charge between $100 and $250 per hour. The exact rate may differ based on factors like the developer's experience, location, and other considerations.

South America:

Outsourcing Flutter development to South America can be a cost-efficient option. In countries like Mexico or Bolivia, you can find Senior Mobile engineers with Flutter knowledge charging around $60 per hour. Rates for junior engineers start at approximately $40 per hour.


Hiring Flutter developers in Europe can range from $50 to $150 per hour. European engineers generally charge a bit more than their counterparts in South America. However, if you consider Eastern European countries, you can find developers with similar experience and seniority at rates ranging from $45 to $65 per hour, making it a more budget-friendly option compared to Western Europe, where rates can be $70-90 per hour.

Tips to hire proficient Flutter developers

Hiring proficient Flutter developers requires a well-structured approach. Here are some key tips to find the right fit for your project:

  1. Assess technical skills: Look for developers with experience in Flutter and Dart, knowledge of mobile app development tools, and expertise in relevant technologies like Firebase, GraphQL, and REST APIs.
  2. Review portfolio: Examine the developer's portfolio to gauge the quality of their previous work and see if their style aligns with your project requirements. Request case studies and references.
  3. Prioritize experience: Consider developers with a proven track record of building Flutter apps and expertise in cross-platform development.
  4. Evaluate communication skills: Effective communication is crucial for successful collaboration. Choose developers who can communicate clearly and regularly with you.
  5. Consider cultural fit: Ensure the developer's work ethic and values align with your company culture, and consider factors like work hours and language compatibility.
  6. Choose the right platform: Explore freelancing platforms, job boards, or specialized Flutter development companies to find suitable developers.
  7. Conduct thorough interviews: Ask technical and behavioral questions during interviews to assess the developer's knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills.
  8. Provide a Trial project: Consider offering a trial project to evaluate the developer's performance, attention to detail, and ability to meet deadlines.
  9. Agree on terms: Establish clear terms and conditions in a written contract, covering payment, milestones, timelines, and intellectual property rights.

Best tactics for a winning recruitment strategy

Developing a winning recruitment strategy to find the best Flutter developers requires careful planning and consideration. Here are the best tactics to ensure success:

  1. Define Clear Goals and Requirements: Clearly outline your project requirements and expectations. Having a well-defined scope will help you attract developers with the right skills and experience.
  2. Set Budget and Timeline: Determine your budget and project timeline. Be realistic about potential risks and time constraints, and seek professional input to estimate project timelines accurately.
  3. Establish Criteria for the Development Team: Create a list of specific criteria for your Flutter development team, including required tech stack, seniority level, industry experience, language proficiency, and timezone compatibility.
  4. Choose a Reliable Development Partner: Research and vet potential Flutter development partners thoroughly. Review portfolios, check customer references, and inquire about their process, communication, security measures, and quality guarantees.
  5. Sign a Contract and NDA: Protect your intellectual property and sensitive information by signing a comprehensive contract and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the selected Flutter development partner.
  6. Decide on Project Management Strategy: Determine who will manage the project, whether it's an in-house Scrum master or Agile PM or a project manager from the vendor. Establish communication channels, reporting frequency, and escalation procedures.
Also read: Flutter vs React Native vs Kotlin: Which will drive app development in 2023?

Final words 

As you embark on the hiring process, it is essential to consider Flutter candidates comprehensively, evaluating their technical skills, experience, portfolio, cultural fit, and cost. This holistic approach will ensure you find the right Flutter developers who can create high-performing, user-friendly cross-platform applications that resonate with your audience, giving your business a competitive edge in the app market.

To streamline your journey and find the best Flutter developers, consider leveraging, a leading tech recruitment platform for high-performing tech talent. We offer a pre-vetted list of highly qualified Flutter developers, engineers, programmers, coders, and architects in Europe and LatAm for you to choose from. With, you can say goodbye to worries about employment benefits, vacation time, unemployment, termination hassles, paperwork, and recruiting. We handle all these aspects for you, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Our pricing is transparent and straightforward, ensuring you get access to elite tech talent with no hidden fees. Let be your partner in finding the right Flutter developers who will contribute to the success of your projects and take your business to new heights.

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