For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

How to hire proficient C++ developers: The ultimate guide

Explore an in-depth guide that will help you find the best-fit C++ developers in no time.

C++ stands tall as one of the most popular programming languages. According to a recent HackerRank study, it ranks fourth, just behind Java, Python, and SQL. The language's versatility shines in various applications demanding high-speed performance, from game development and operating systems to financial services, machine learning tools, and scientific research.

When it comes to building large and robust systems while maximizing performance, businesses often turn to C++. AAA title video games, like those crafted by Blizzard, demonstrate its prowess. Even companies working with embedded technologies heavily rely on C++ for their projects. Notably, Adobe's suite of major applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, are all developed using C++. Additionally, TensorFlow, a crucial open-source library for machine learning and artificial intelligence, relies on C++ for server-side programming, leveraging its vast collection of libraries for complex computations.

Active software developers globally

As the demand for high-quality C++ engineers soars, you may be seeking to hire one yourself. Rest assured, you're not alone. To help you find the best C++ programmers for your organization, we've put together a structured and effective guide. With these proven strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of onboarding high-quality C++ developers into your team or project.

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Advantages of Using C++

C++ is a meticulously designed programming language that attracts developers for numerous compelling reasons. As you consider incorporating C++ into your projects, here are the advantages it can offer:

  • Portability: C++ boasts excellent portability, making it ideal for various systems and applications, including mobile apps. The battle between native and cross-platform apps can be easily resolved with C++, enabling seamless multi-platform development.
  • Object-oriented features: C++ is equipped with powerful object-oriented features, such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. 
  • Inheritance allows the creation of classes derived from existing classes, inheriting their methods and attributes. 
  • Polymorphism enables a parent class to reference a child class, providing flexibility in managing subsets of data. 
  • Encapsulation binds data and related code together for enhanced security and efficiency.
  • Abstraction hides unnecessary complexities, simplifying the user's interaction with the code.
  • Middle-level language: C++ is considered a middle-level language, bridging the gap between low-level and high-level programming. It can be used for tasks like building drivers and kernels, as well as developing sophisticated software applications.
  • General-purpose application: Being a general-purpose language, C++ empowers developers to create a wide range of projects, from games and graphics to calculators and beyond. Its high performance sets it apart as one of the fastest general-purpose languages available.
  • Rich library: C++ comes with an extensive library of built-in functions that facilitate file manipulation, data structures, and various other methods, streamlining the development process.
Features of C++

Versatility and real-world uses of C++

C++ is a programming language with a vast array of applications. Let's explore some of the real-world uses of C++:

1. Application Development:

C++ finds extensive use in crafting robust applications. Notably, Adobe systems rely on C++ for applications like Illustrator, Image Ready, Photoshop, and Premiere. Medical and engineering applications, including computer-aided design systems and MRI machines, leverage C++ for scripting.

2. Game Development:

C++'s exceptional speed makes it an ideal choice for game engines. Its versatility enables efficient code writing for 3D games, resource management, and multiplayer networking. Many popular games, game engines, and consoles, such as Doom 3, World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Unreal Engine, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, are developed using C++.

3. Web Browser Development:

C++ powers leading web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, owing to its speed and reliability. Google's back-end and Firefox's rendering engines for open-source projects are also written in C++.

4. Operating Systems and Compiler Development:

C++ plays a significant role in building prevalent operating systems, including Apple's OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Symbian mobile OS. It is also used to create compilers like Apple C++, Bloodshed Dev-C++, Clang C++, and MINGW.

5. Databases & Machine Learning

Key database tools like MySQL and MongoDB rely on C++ for their efficient structure and storage. C++'s extensive library collection supports the complex calculations involved in machine learning tools like TensorFlow.

6. Enterprise Software:

Numerous enterprise software systems, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Chrome, Bloomberg, Amazon, YouTube, and Spotify, are developed using C++.

7. Embedded Systems:

C++ plays a crucial role in powering embedded systems, such as medical devices, IoT devices, and even the Mars rover.

8. Animation:

C++ excels in modeling, simulation, rendering, and 3D animation, making it an indispensable tool for animation development.

Source: Statista
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Essential skills for an exceptional C++ developer

A skilled C++ developer possesses a diverse set of technical abilities that enable them to create scalable, high-performance applications and systems. These crucial skills may include:

  • Proficiency in C++ code structure and standard libraries.
  • Knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and software engineering principles.
  • Understanding of object-oriented programming concepts (classes, inheritance, polymorphism).
  • Familiarity with debugging tools (e.g., GDB), static code analysis, and version control systems (e.g., Git).
  • Experience with high-level programming languages like C#, Python, or Java.
  • Ability to build virtual environments for development purposes.
  • Familiarity with Boost and Qt libraries.
  • Solid database administration skills, including SQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Proficiency in using IDEs like Eclipse and Visual Studio.
  • Understanding of modern Software Configuration Management (SCM) and testing tools/methodologies.

Skills required for a junior C++ developer 

Experience level = 0 to 3 years

  • Proficiency in writing code using C/C++ and Unix.
  • Basic understanding of RDBMS databases like SQL server and Oracle.
  • Knowledge of modern software design and development methodologies.
  • Familiarity with modern software configuration management (SCM).
  • Basic understanding of database administration.

Skills required for a senior C++ developer 

Experience level = 4 to 6 years

  • Extensive experience in writing code using C/C++ and Unix.
  • Capable of working with web development tools for new applications.
  • Strong understanding of RDBMS databases.
  • Experience with integrated development environments like Eclipse and Visual Studio.
  • Advanced knowledge of testing tools, methodologies, and modern SCM.
  • Ability to define quality and security standards and expertise in Database administration.

Furthermore, experienced C++ developers proactively seek opportunities to grow and expand their programming knowledge, which is essential for thriving in fast-paced environments.

Sourcing C++ developers: Unconventional ways

Discovering talented C++ developers goes beyond the usual job boards and freelance platforms. While platforms like Glassdoor and Upwork are valuable, you can also explore more specialized and unconventional avenues to find the perfect fit for your team. Let's dive into some unique ways of sourcing qualified C++ engineers:

  1. Connect with skilled C++ developers on, a tech recruitment platform that rigorously vets and matches top talent to your specific requirements.
  2. C++ Alliance Slack Community: Engage with a vibrant community of C++ enthusiasts and professionals in the C++ Alliance with a Slack community. It's a great place to network and find potential candidates.
  3. C++ Subreddit: Dive into the world of C++ on the Subreddit dedicated to this programming language. Here, developers share knowledge, discuss industry trends, and may even be open to new job opportunities.
  4. <C++> at Discord: Join the <C++> Discord server, where C++ enthusiasts gather to exchange ideas and insights. This platform offers an excellent chance to connect with potential hires in a casual yet professional environment.
  5. C++ Groups by Country: Explore specialized C++ groups and communities in your target countries. These groups often host passionate developers who are eager to contribute their skills.
  6. C++ Hackathons: Embrace the excitement of C++ hackathons. Not only can you sponsor these events, but you can also participate and discover talented programmers who thrive under pressure.
Also read: How hackathons are revolutionizing tech talent recruitment 

Interviewing C++ developers

Interviewing C++ developers is a crucial process in finding the perfect fit for your team. To ensure you hire the best candidate, focus on two key categories of questions:

Hard skills:

Start by delving into the candidate's work experience to understand their background. Then, move on to specific questions about the C++ programming language. Ask about C++ features, algorithms, and how they handle C++ operating systems. You can also explore their knowledge of online C++ compilers and other technical aspects like data structures, debugging, SQL using C++, and Agile for Embedded C++. For a comprehensive list of C++ interview questions and answers, you can refer to this directory of more than 200 questions on GitHub.

Soft skills:

While assessing a candidate's technical proficiency is crucial, don't overlook the significance of their soft skills. Evaluate whether they are a good cultural fit for your company and team. Look for candidates who are passionate about their work and demonstrate excellent teamwork and communication skills. A C++ developer who loves their job and can collaborate effectively is a valuable asset to any organization.

Must-ask questions:

To assess the proficiency of C++ professionals, here are some essential questions frequently asked in interviews:

  • What are the key distinctions between C and C++?
  • Explain the key features of C++.
  • Compare Malloc() and new / Delete vs. Free in C++.
  • How do references and pointers differ from each other?
  • Provide an example and explain the concept of "virtual functions."
  • Discuss the usage of Friend class and function in C++.
  • What are the differences between class and struct in C++?
  • Is it possible to have a recursive inline function in C++?
  • Describe VTABLE and VPTR in C++ and their usage.
  • What are access specifiers in C++?
  • Clarify the meanings of the terms volatile and mutable in C++.
  • Differentiate between function overloading and operator overloading in C++.
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Assessing C++ developers 

Online platforms for developer skills assessment are valuable tools for businesses looking to find the best-fit C++ engineers based on specific requirements. These platforms go beyond traditional talent profiles and resumes to evaluate candidates' technical abilities. Here are five services that can help businesses identify top-notch C++ developers:

  1. HackerRank: HackerRank allows technical managers to create role-specific online coding assessments and invite C++ developers to take the challenge. The platform automatically reviews, scores, and ranks candidates, providing valuable insights for better decision-making.
  2. CodinGame: CodinGame uses gamification techniques to assess C++ developers' creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The platform offers predefined coding challenges and puzzles, and companies can also add their own questions to customize screening campaigns.
  3. Adaface: Adaface employs scenario-based questions to evaluate candidates' C++ programming skills. It assesses their ability to structure code using Object-Oriented Programming principles, handle exceptions, and manage system memory. The platform boasts unique, non-Googleable questions to maintain test integrity.
  4. TestGorilla: TestGorilla's assessments are designed by subject matter professionals and are suitable for junior and intermediate C++ programmers. The tests evaluate candidates' capabilities in programming entry-level algorithms, defining data types, and performing string manipulations and type casts.
  5. Codility: Codility enables companies to build C++ tests that mirror real-world problems and everyday tasks. The platform offers a library of coding tasks for C++ programmers at different skill levels. Additionally, it provides tools for plagiarism detection and fraud prevention to ensure test integrity.

Average salary of C++ developers worldwide

Before hiring a professional C++ developer for your company, it's essential to understand the salary variations across different regions. The average income of C++ developers varies significantly based on factors such as the country's base income, cost of living, and market demand.

The US:

C++ professionals in the United States enjoy the highest average income worldwide. With a national average salary of approximately $108,000 per year (source: Glassdoor), C++ developers in the US have lucrative earning opportunities. On platforms like ZipRecruiter, they report making an average of $116,536 annually. However, salaries for C++ developers in the US can range from $42,000 to $180,000.

South America:

In Latin American countries, C++ developers have a lower base income due to the region's lower cost of living. For example, a senior-level C++ engineer earns an average salary of $60,000 per year in Mexico, $70,000 per year in Brazil, and $43,000 in Colombia (source: Glassdoor, Indeed, PayScale).


In Europe, salary disparities are also evident. Western European countries offer some of the highest average salaries globally. C++ engineers in Germany and the UK earn around $69,000 per year on average. On the other hand, countries in Eastern Europe, like Serbia, have significantly lower average salaries, with programmers earning around $3,450 per month.

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Hire high-performing C++ developers with

If you're seeking to hire a skilled C++ contractor for full-time or project-based work, is the best partner to team up with. 

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At, we take pride in our trusted vetting process, ensuring you get access to the best C++ developers. Join our satisfied clients who continue to rely on our seamless matching expertise for their tech recruitment needs.

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