For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

How to make AI part of your recruitment strategy. Comprehensive guide

Explore the concept of AI recruiting, examine its benefits on tech talent acquisition, and examine essential AI-powered technologies. Start over!

In light of market uncertainties, companies are increasingly looking towards leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to transform the most inefficient parts of their recruitment process. This approach aligns with the philosophy of accomplishing more with fewer resources. 

Historically, finding and attracting new talent has been a profession dominated by human involvement, which often involves repetitive tasks. However, AI and other recruiting tools, such as chatbots, can now take over roughly 80% of those mundane sourcing and screening potential candidates. It's important to note that AI encompasses a broad range of machine learning algorithms and tools that can quickly analyze data, identify patterns, and predict trends, rather than solely referring to robots and science fiction.

a pie chart representing average time spent on hiring process
Average time spent on each part of hiring process

At, we have created a comprehensive guide on smart AI recruiting to clarify the role of AI in recruitment and provide useful information on its impact on HR and talent acquisition teams.

In this article, we will explore the concept of AI recruiting, examine its benefits on the talent acquisition landscape, examine essential AI-powered technologies, and discuss how hiring managers and talent acquisition experts can integrate them to more quickly find the right tech talent. Let's begin.

Contact us to learn how tech recruitment platform can help you accelerate your hiring, reduce bias and put the right tech talent in the right role.

Multimple diagrams representing AI market in recruitment industry
AI market in recruitment industry

What is AI recruiting?

AI recruiting refers to the integration of artificial intelligence in the talent acquisition process. AI offers various applications that can help recruiters in different aspects of hiring such as scanning resumes, auto-screening candidates, and conducting effective interviews and assessments, ultimately leading to faster, smarter, and unbiased hiring. 

It is important to note that AI is not intended to replace recruiters, but rather to enhance their capabilities. AI mimics human abilities such as understanding language, learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. 

Eugene Garla, VP of Talent at

AI-based algorithms can sort through resumes, identify potential internal candidates, profiles of high-performing software engineers, and even decode video interviews to provide information on potential success rates.

Although these algorithms do not use intuition like humans, they are incredibly fast and can analyze vast amounts of data in seconds to determine patterns and correlations. This results in an artificial intelligence system that can consider demographic data, job history, and interviews with candidates to "predict" their potential job performance. 

The primary goal of AI recruiting is to automate or streamline different aspects of the recruiting workflow. This, in turn, allows recruiters to focus on developing relationships, engaging candidates, and training hiring teams to become exceptional interviewers.

A visual representing top benefit of AI in recruitment
Top benefits of AI recruiting

7 benefits of AI recruiting 

AI is proving its worth to recruitment teams by providing benefits like efficiency, personalization, and data-based decision-making. Here are the top seven benefits of adding AI to your recruitment process:

1. Helping HR staff focus on what’s important

As is commonly known, up to 75% of job applications that businesses receive are unqualified and fail to meet the job requirements. However, recruiters spend a significant amount of their time reviewing CVs and screening candidates, which can be repetitive and unproductive.

By incorporating AI recruiting into the hiring process, recruiters and talent acquisition teams can save valuable time and focus on more important tasks such as: 

  • Managing payroll activities
  • Ensuring compliance
  • Analyzing performance data
  • Facilitating training and development programs
  • Promoting post-onboarding engagement

This enables organizations to enhance their hiring process and ultimately attract and retain top talent.

Hiring the right tech talent doesn't have to be mission impossible. Partner with to go from “I hired the wrong candidate" to "I hired the best candidate the company could ask for" in days, not weeks. 

2. Improved experience & personalization 

AI can facilitate a tailored approach to the entire talent lifecycle, offering customized experiences to each stakeholder. Here's how AI can bring personalization to the table:

  • For candidates: AI provides a personalized experience by suggesting job openings and dynamic content tailored to their profile, search history, location, and similar job opportunities and personas.
  • For employees: AI extends personalization features, offering career pathing, learning and development opportunities, mentoring, and referrals through an internal talent marketplace.
  • For recruiters and hiring managers: AI helps to nurture a personalized pipeline by matching skills and compatibility, ensuring that new qualified talent is easily identified and previous quality candidates are rediscovered. This enables talent acquisition teams to enhance their recruitment process and engage top talent efficiently.

3. Accelerate hiring 

Recruiters face constant pressure to accomplish more with fewer resources. According to the Recruitment Automation Report by Dice, many recruiters spend up to 30 hours per week scouring through resumes. Among the challenges faced by tech recruiters, narrowing down a large pool of applicants to the most qualified candidates is one of the most significant.

However, AI-powered tools can help streamline many recruiting tasks that consume a significant amount of time, without compromising the quality of the hire. These include:

  • Sourcing: The ability to identify the best-fit candidates through job-matching and scoring capabilities.
  • Screening: The capacity to score and rank candidates based on specific criteria, such as remote background, years of experience, or industry.
  • Scheduling: The use of chatbots and calendar integrations to automatically coordinate interviews and other meetings.

4. Candidate-oriented approach

In the realm of tech recruiting, candidates often rate their experience with hiring managers and recruitment companies based on two primary factors: 

  • Delayed engagement 
  • No engagement at all 

This waiting game is often frustrating for job seekers. However, AI-powered solutions can accelerate the recruitment process by engaging with and screening multiple resumes simultaneously. By employing bots, top-rated candidates who meet the recruiter's criteria are shortlisted, thereby eliminating any delays or lack of engagement.

5. Elimination of possible bias 

In the recruitment process, human biases often lead recruiters to include more candidates in the "yes" pile. However, to ensure diversity and avoid poor hiring decisions, 93% of companies acknowledge the necessity of reducing bias in their talent acquisition process. AI can effectively mitigate bias in recruitment.

AI-powered bots can eliminate bias by generating a shortlist of candidates based on predefined criteria, enabling recruiters to focus solely on qualified candidates. This approach ensures that companies can select the best candidates from the pool without compromising diversity or quality.

Talk to an representative today to learn more about the tools and processes we use to engage, vet and assign top-rated tech talent.

6. Accurate data analytics & insights

Decisions related to hiring, such as determining when to hire, what kind of person to hire, and whether there is even a need to hire can significantly impact any business. However, talent leaders have long struggled with data quality and reliability. 

AI-driven insights empower recruiters and talent acquisition professionals with the necessary information to hire the best-fit talent faster by allowing them to:

  • Discover new job seekers and rediscover existing candidates
  • Tap into cloud-sourced suggestions
  • Understand candidate intent
  • Obtain trends in the pipeline and view dynamic talent pools

Data insights also enable recruiters to spend more time with top candidates, reducing an organization's time to hire and cost-per-hire metrics.

7. Minimised Financial Risks

As we all know, the cost of a bad hire can be significant. Bad hires not only cost businesses financially, but also have broader effects on the team's performance, engagement, morale, workload, and productivity. However, when business and hiring decisions are made strategically and data-driven, the financial risks can be greatly minimized.

A graphic representation of business advantages of AI in recruitment
Business advantages of AI recruiting

How is AI changing and evolving tech recruiting

AI in recruitment is a game-changer. Here are just a few important recruiting activities that can be delegated to AI technology:

Sourcing tech talent

Recruiting tech talent can be a tedious and time-consuming process, leaving job openings unfilled and increasing the likelihood of bad hiring decisions. Although sourcing candidates is a crucial part of the recruitment process, recruiters should not spend all their time on it.

Fortunately, AI-based sourcing tools can help recruiters and talent managers find and connect with candidates more efficiently. These tools automate the process by tracking various keywords, data points, and job boards to quickly identify and connect with tech talent. According to a study by the HR Research Institute, 96% of HR managers believe that leveraging AI has significant potential to aid in tech talent acquisition, with 55% predicting that AI will become a regular part of the recruitment process within the next five years.

For qualified applicants, these AI-based tools may offer benefits as their resumes will receive faster attention. However, recruiters understand that the resume with the most keywords may not always be the best fit. That's where the human factor becomes essential.

Screening candidates

Automated AI screening tools that use predictive performance testing and skill assessments are available to assist recruiters in finding the best candidates for open positions. These tools use information from existing tech talent, such as experience, skills, education, and other attributes, to evaluate and rank new candidates. 

The AI-powered screening process will then identify and shortlist the most qualified candidates. The use of resume screening automation can be highly beneficial for businesses, as it allows for more accurate skill analysis, qualification filtering, and talent alignment. However, it's important to note that candidates need to voluntarily opt-in to this process.

Finding skilled talent

Hiring the wrong person for a job can cost a company at least 30% of the employee's first-year earnings, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. CareerBuilder research also found that 74% of employers have hired the wrong person for a position. Utilizing AI tools can help tech recruiters quickly screen thousands of resumes to identify the most qualified candidates and conduct interviews that lead to better hires.

Scheduling & interviewing

The interview is a critical stage in a candidate's journey that significantly impacts their decision to join a company. AI-powered interviewing tools, when used effectively, can enhance efficiency in tech recruitment. Automated interviewing can accelerate the recruitment process by up to 90%, while improving the quality of candidates based on past hires. 

Moreover, AI-powered talent clouds can reduce the cost-per-hire by 40% and address unconscious biases, leading to more diverse teams, improved candidate experience, and greater success in attracting top tech talent. Machine learning and AI can help companies eliminate biases and make informed hiring decisions.

Contact us to learn how tech recruitment platform can help you accelerate your hiring, reduce bias and put the right tech talent in the right role.

Enhancing candidate engagement

Recruiters can strengthen their relationship with candidates and deliver a better experience by building scalable and efficient recruitment processes. A study showed that conversational AI integrated into the recruitment process led to a 38% higher acceptance rate among candidates who were offered the job. 

This is because candidates who have a strong emotional connection with a company during the recruitment process are more likely to become employees. By using AI-powered recruitment tools that can interpret interview conversations, recruiters and hiring managers can gain deeper insights into each candidate, resulting in more engaging conversations and ultimately, more engaged candidates.

Retaining tech talent

Businesses that have employed AI-powered recruitment software for a significant period have observed a 35% reduction in turnover rate. Apart from assisting recruiters and talent acquisition specialists in finding the right fit for the job, AI chatbots can also support onboarding efforts. They can provide training, make new employees feel more at ease, and answer many of their queries. 

Furthermore, chatbots can provide an overview of the company's history, mission, code of conduct, job responsibilities, and contact information. They can also ask questions and generate a report for the manager regarding the employee's adjustment process. This approach ensures that employees are better integrated into their new position and feel satisfied in their job.

A graphic representation of AI recruiting tools for different purposes
AI recruiting tools for different purposes

Game-changing recruiting with 

Recruiting the right candidates has always been a time-consuming process. The search for potential candidates, the planning involved, and repetitive screening procedures can be tedious and inefficient. Recruiters must analyze a wide range of data, from resumes and social media profiles to professional resource accounts, to make informed hiring decisions. The sheer volume of information can be overwhelming, making it difficult for recruiters to identify the most promising candidates and fill positions quickly.

Fortunately, recruiters who are unfamiliar with AI technology need not worry. is a tech recruitment platform designed to assist companies in hiring top remote software developers from around the world. The platform, which is used by major companies such as Omio, Perforce Software, and Glopal, offers an intelligent infrastructure that employs global sourcing, intelligent vetting, transparent matching, HR/payments compliance, and automated on-the-job quality control.

✔Pre-vetted, highly-qualified tech talent from hot talent hubs

✔A diverse talent pipeline of more than 10k engineers worldwide

✔200+ sources to source and screen tech talent 

✔100+ skills among tech talent

✔60+ hours of engineering time saved per hire

✔Lower development costs by 40%

✔95% talent retention rate can source the best talent from over 200 sources, perform pre-screening, and provide predictive analytics and detailed reports to CTOs and hiring managers. This platform makes remote hiring processes simple and unbiased for both companies and candidates. Recruitment teams can hire pre-vetted, high-performing remote software talent in over 100 skills, and the process typically takes only 3-5 days.

Here are some of the top features offered by

  • Personalized job recommendations for tech talent based on skills, experience, location, search history, and profile
  • Conversational chatbot that sources, screens, and matches candidates with best-fit jobs
  • A talent CRM that builds, engages, and tracks talent pipelines, as well as enhances productivity using dynamic lists, actionable insights, fit scoring, and more
  • Automated scheduling to provide a seamless interviewing experience for talent and CTOs
  • One-way video assessments to fast-forward the screening process
  • Dynamic fit scoring to elevate best-fit candidates, enabling tech recruiters to fill roles faster

We at are talent acquisition professionals who use powerful AI tools to source tech talent for even most challenging positions. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can improve your tech recruiting process, contact us today!

Looking for more tips on how to hire software developers? Check our Software Engineer, Data Engineer, ReactJs, LinkedIn, and Java hiring guides.

Talk to an representative today to learn more about the tools and processes we use to engage, vet and assign top-rated tech talent.

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